Trimming beef cheeks

I trimming beef cheeks altered this story very slightly and All the usual warnings should be noted, this is a work of complete fiction, if you dont know the difference just jog on by. In the Mid 18th Century times were hard enough for the average family, but Lucys family had it especially difficult since her father had been sent abroad fighting in the seven years war.

They had not heard from him for many months and no wages had arrived for almost 6 months. They were reliant on what they could glean from the fields and her mother earned a pittance taking in washing. They were on the breadline, empty rumbling stomachs , ragged clothes and shoes with holes in the soles. However it looked like their luck was changing, Lucy had arrived home in a state of high dudgeon , she had been offered a job at the Manor House.

She had been approached by the Butler from there and offered the job of junior housemaid. When her mother heard the news she was beside herself, ‘Thank the Lord our prayers have been answered’ she cried out. For the local Manor House was known to be fairly generous with its staff, allowing them to take home leftovers from the kitchen. Lucys mother asked when she could start the job, ‘tomorrow ‘ answered Lucy’ however there is one issue of concern as I have to sleep there 5 nights a week, but its only a ten minute walk, so I can easily keep in touch’. Her mother brushed her concerns aside knowing that this was a reputable employer and Lucy was growing up and had just finished her schooling. The next day, Lucy was up early bathed and dressed in her best shabby clothes ready to attend work.

She skipped along to the trades mans door at the Manor house as she had been told, arriving ten minutes early. The Butler answered the door and ushered her through,’ hurry along to my office down the back stairs and I will explain your duties’ ‘ well done for being early thats a merit awarded already’. She sat down on the chair he offered and he sat at his bureaux, she felt slightly uncomfortable as he seemed to gaze lustily at her developing body and long legs. But he then offered her two sets of uniform laid neatly in a wicker basket. I will leave you alone to change and return in ten minutes so that I can introduce you to The Lord Ponsonby, you must address him as my Lord at all times, ‘ Do you understand? Lucy looked straight at him and replied ‘ yes Sir’. Good girl’ her replied rather haughtily.

Lucy had never seen such quality clothes, she quickly stripped down to her shift and felt very special dressed in such clothes, how proud she felt. She stood in her maid uniform as a rather doddery Lord walked around her, saying how glad he was that she had joined his staff and that he was sure she would do a damn fine job’. Lucy again felt slightly uncomfortable as the Lord walked around her staring at her bosoms and explaining how well developed she was for her age, when he was behind her he winked at the Butler, who remained poker faced. Her induction continued around the big house and she gradually met all the staff and she was also shown her attic room at the very top of the house. She was told that she could use her quarters at 10.

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