Soup in bread

Akt kombinovania varenia rôznych ingrediencií v hrnci za účelom soup in bread nutrične plnohodnotného, zasycujúceho, ľahko stráviteľného a jednoduchého jedla bol nezvrátiteľný vývoj v histórii varenia. Polievky, kaše, prívarky, vývary sa postupne vyvíjali podľa lokálnych ingredencií a chutí. Polievky sú ľahko tráviteľné a už v starodávnej histórii boli predpisované ľuďom s rôznymi zdravotnými problémami. Je známe, že moderný reštauračný priemysel je založený na polievkach.

Do you want some noodle soup for lunch? It’s dangerous driving through this soup. The car had been souped up with twin exhaust pipes and a fancy spoiler. La macchina era stata truccata con un doppio tubo di scarico e uno spoiler vistoso.

My two-year old niece will only eat alphabet soup. La mia nipotina di due anni mangia solo la pastina alfabeto. There’s nothing better than chicken noodle soup when you’re not feeling well. Quando non ci si sente bene non c’è niente di meglio di una pastina in brodo di pollo. Spesso si mette della pasta nella zuppa di pollo. Many people use canned cream of mushroom soup in recipes.

Molta gente prepara ricette con crema di funghi in scatola. A typical appetizer on a Chinese restaurant menu is egg drop soup. Un antipasto tipico nei ristoranti cinesi è la minestra all’uovo. In San Francisco, it’s almost obligatory to start lunch with egg flower soup. A San Francisco è d’obbligo iniziare il pranzo con una zuppa di fiore d’uovo.

I like a broiled cheese crust on French onion soup. Mi piace aggiungere una crosta di formaggio grigliata nella zuppa di cipolle alla francese. We ordered oxtail soup from the Cuban restaurant down the street. Abbiamo ordinato zuppa di coda di bue al ristorante cubano in fondo alla strada. It’s good to have hot pea soup on a cold day. There were two styles of soup bowls in the range: deep and shallow.

I volunteer at a soup kitchen on holidays. Durante le vacanze faccio volontariato in una mensa dei poveri. Pour the vegetables into the soup pot and then add the broth. The table was set for a formal dinner, complete with salad forks and soupspoons. La tavola era stata apparecchiata per una cena informale, con tanto di forchette da insalata e cucchiai da minestra. As a kid I often ate grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for lunch.

The old woman dipped a ladle into a tureen filled with hot stew. L’anziana signora immerse il mestolo nella zuppiera piena di stufato caldo. My grandmother used to make vegetable soup in the late summer. Mia nonna usava cucinare il minestrone in tarda estate.

Nothing soothes the sting of autumn’s dropping temperatures like a warm bowl of soup. She began to spoon soup into her mouth. Vedi la traduzione automatica di Google Translate di “soup”. Whip up this classic Italian vegetable soup with a rich tomato base and pasta. Enjoy this filling vegetarian soup with red lentils, carrots and leeks. Make the most of pumpkins in the supermarkets in the autumn and make this warming and filling pumpkin soup. This super-healthy vegetarian soup is low in calories and full of flavour.

Throw together this comforting and creamy cauliflower soup for lunch or a light supper. Mary Cadogan’s aromatic broth will warm you up on a winter’s evening – it contains ginger, which is particularly good for colds. Combine different alliums to give a layered onion flavour to this vegetarian sweetcorn chowder. A star rating of 5 out of 5. Create a batch of creamy parsnip and carrot soup for a warming lunch or supper. A star rating of 0 out of 5. Make lunch more exciting with this silky and deeply savoury miso and butternut soup.

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