Guanabana ice cream

Enter the characters you see below Sorry, we just need guanabana ice cream make sure you’re not a robot. Please double-check things like opening hours before you go, and follow local guidelines to stay safe. If you make a purchase through them, we may receive a small commission at no cost to you. One of the best things to do in Mexico is trying the local food and drinks.

The real lime and tamarind Mexican margaritas. Mexican fruits that we’re boggled by the variety! Is it safe to eat the fruit in Mexico? Let’s first get this out of the way. We eat raw fruits and vegetables in Mexico and have never had a problem.

If buying food at Walmart or a farmers’ market to cook in our condo, we’ll give the produce a wash and then we’re good to go. You can wash lettuce, tomatoes, apples, etc. There’s no danger getting sick from them. If you have a sensitive stomach or are worried about getting sick in Mexico, you can try taking Dukoral before you go.

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