Cilantro mint pesto

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This article will take a look at the potential cilantro benefits and side effects, plus some easy ways to add this versatile, healing herb to your daily diet. Cilantro is a popular herb popular around the globe that resembles flat leaf parsley at first glance, but at first sniff, it transports you to the Mediterranean, Mexico, Asia and India. It gives a fresh boost of flavor, without the addition of sea salt or other seasonings. This versatile herb is used in everything from guacamole and salsa to curries, noodle dishes and chimichurri sauces of Argentina. Not only does this flavorful, bright herb have unlimited culinary applications, but surprisingly to many people cilantro benefits the body and has many known healing properties.

One of the reasons that it is so unique is due to its versatility. While green and leafy, it brings a fresh, nearly citrusy flavor to foods. Once it flowers, it produces the seeds, and the flavor of the leaves intensify. Plus, the coriander seeds that it yields contain their own health benefits. Rids the Body of Heavy Metals Arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, lead and mercury can become resident in our tissues. This can lead to heart disease, hormonal imbalances, neurological conditions, infertility and so much more. One animal model found that Coriandrum sativum significantly decreased lead-induced oxidative stress, while another study found that it actually accelerated the removal of heavy metals from the body.

Protects Against Oxidative Stress Oxidative stress is linked to a wide array of degenerative diseases, including some types of cancer, heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration and much more. This herb’s strong antioxidant properties, in part due to the flavonoid quercetin, helps protect against the damage caused by free radicals in the body. Reduces Anxiety This herb can help calm the nerves and improve sleep quality due to its natural sedative properties. Some of the most common side effects of valium include confusion, hallucinations, risk-taking behavior, agitation, aggression, memory problems and muscle weakness. The extract of this herb could potentially help relieve anxiety and improve your sleep without these potentially dangerous side effects. Lowers Blood Sugar Levels The leaves and stems of cilantro have been shown to help lower blood sugar levels in animal studies. One study published in the Journal of Food Sciences showed that when diabetes has been diagnosed, the plant helps support healthy liver function and balance blood sugar.

Researchers believe that the results support Coriandrum sativum as a remedy for diabetes. Chop the leaves and stems and add to salads, salsas and smoothies to lower your blood sugar levels and improve overall health. Supports Heart Health Some research shows that this herb could help promote heart health by reducing several risk factors for heart disease. In fact, the results of one animal study indicated that cilantro benefits cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body by helping lower them. Prevents Urinary Tract Infections There are many factors that can contribute to urinary tract infections, including bacterial growth, sexual activity, genetics or diabetes. Cilantro’s antibacterial compounds could potentially help keep the urinary tract healthy and free from unhealthy bacteria in a healthy alkaline environment.

5 teaspoons of dried coriander seeds overnight in two cups of water. Strain and drink, or just add to your morning smoothie. It’s believed to help relieve the discomfort and pain associated with the UTI and help to speed your healing. Hot curry dishes, green chili and spicy Thai noodle dishes all are better tolerated by many people with the simple addition of just a touch of fresh, chopped cilantro. This cooling effect can help prevent heartburn after spicy meals.

If gas or bloating is a problem, try adding chopped cilantro as a garnish for legume dishes and to salads. Protects Against Food Poisoning Cilantro benefits not only detox the body, but also protect it from infection and toxins. Its natural antibacterial properties may help protect against both food- and waterborne diseases, including food poisoning and dysentery. Supports Healthy Menstrual Function Coriander seed from cilantro benefits healthy menstrual function by regulating proper endocrine gland function and the hormones that regulate menstrual cycles. In addition, coriander is believed to help reduce the bloating, cramps and pain during the cycle.

Prevents Neurological Inflammation Neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis, are associated with chronic inflammation. May Help Protect Against Colon Cancer Some promising research conducted on animals suggests that coriander could help protect against colon cancer by reducing cholesterol levels and increasing the excretion of sterol compounds and bile. This process decreases toxic levels in the colon, lowering the risk for cancer. Soothes Skin Irritation Cilantro is used both internally and externally as a remedy for skin irritations, including hives, sunburns and poison ivy. Its natural antihistamines help calm the immune system response against allergens. To get all the cilantro benefits, try blending with water instead of coconut oil and strain.

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